Clean Refrigerator Strawberry Jam

Strawberry jam...num num.  I was really bummed out when I started this clean eating mission that I had to give up my toast and jam for breakfast.  I LOOOOOOVE homemade strawberry and raspberry jam.  I lived on toast with butter and raspberry jam when I was pregnant with my last.  We have a really big raspberry patch and my hubby loves to can, so he makes it every year.

Well this year, we were working on the strawberry jam after my grandpa brought us out a bucket of strawberries and I was whining because I couldn't eat it.  He asked why we couldn't make it with honey instead of sugar, and I said I didn't know because I'm not the canner.  About an hour later, VIOLA!  I have strawberry jam made with honey instead of sugar!


1 pound of strawberries
3/4 cup of honey

Mash fruit in a nonstick sauce pan.  Heat fruit briefly, stirring constantly.  Remove from heat and add honey.  Return back to heat, cooking on medium until honey is completely mixed in.  Then turn heat up to medium-high and boil until it drops into mounds on a chilled plate.

Pour into 2 small jelly jars.  Place lid and store in refrigerator.   Easy peasy, huh?!

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